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Called It! Hidden Cash Becomes Marketing Gimmick

May 19, 2015

Since the last time we mentioned the “Hidden Cash” Twitter phenomenon, the identity of at least one person behind the altruistic game has come to light, and the tweets and mass scavenger hunts have spread to various other cities not only across the US but also in other countries. Businesses in several of those cities have taken this blog’s advice and used it as a social media marketing gimmick.

It’s difficult to say for sure, but it seems very likely that this trend has been driven at least in some part by local social media companies in the newly participating cities, or by social media companies in Los Angeles, around where the originators of the game come from.

Of course, none of them are following the advice of this blog to the letter. Our previous post was more precisely about how a local social media company could use Twitter to create an alternative, creatively interactive marketing game. But just giving away money is a surefire way to drum up attention, and doing so via a hidden cash game has surely gotten a number of businesses an influx of new local followers.

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