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5 Instagram Marketing Hacks for Business Owners

November 15, 2022

If you’re a small business owner, you know how important it is to market your business on social media; Instagram marketing is a must! With over 1 billion monthly active users, Instagram is a platform you can’t afford to ignore. But what are the best ways to advertise your business on Instagram? In this blog post, we’ll share 5 Instagram advertising hacks that will help you get more followers, engagement, and sales.

Use hashtags strategically.

Hashtags are a great way to reach new people interested in your product or service. But with over 500 million posts being hashtagged daily, it’s essential to use them strategically. First, do some research to find the most popular hashtags in your industry. Then, create a list of secondary hashtags relevant to your business. And finally, mix things up by using a combination of popular and niche hashtags.

Leverage user-generated content.

User-generated content (UGC) is one of the most powerful marketing tools available—and it’s free! When you feature UGC on your Instagram feed, you show off your happy customers and get free promotion from the person who posted the photo or video. To find UGC, search relevant hashtags and see what people are saying about your brand. Then, ask permission to feature their content on your feed. Free Instagram ads!

Run an Instagram contest or giveaway.

Contests and giveaways are a great way to increase followers and engagement. And these days, there are many different ways to run a successful contest or giveaway on Instagram. For example, you could require participants to like and comment on a post, follow your account, and tag a friend in the comments section. Or, you could have participants repost an image with a specific hashtag and tag your account in the caption. The sky’s the limit—get creative and have fun with it!

Use Instagram Stories.

If you haven’t started using Instagram Stories yet, now is the time! With over 500 million daily active users, Stories is one of the most popular features on Instagram—and for a good reason. Stories allow you to share a photo or video content in a slide show format that disappears after 24 hours. This makes them perfect for sharing behind-the-scenes content, quick tips or announcements, previewing new products or services, running contests or giveaways (more on that later!), and much more.

Take advantage of Instagram Marketing Shopping.

If you sell physical products, you need to use Instagram Shopping—period! This feature allows users to browse and purchase products without leaving the app. And since 90% of users say they discover new products on Instagram, it’s an effective way to increase sales and drive traffic to your website or brick-and-mortar store. To start shopping on Instagram, connect your Facebook Catalog to your business profile and tag products in your posts and Stories!

Note: Only certain businesses are eligible for Shopping on Instagram.

There’s no doubt about it: if you want to succeed as a small business owner in today’s digital world, you need to be advertising on social media. And with over 1 billion monthly active users, Instagram is a platform you can’t afford to ignore. By following these simple hacks, you’ll be well on your way to increasing followers, engagement, and sales.

So what are you waiting for?

If you’re worried about getting it right or that Instagram ads and Instagram posting is easier said than done, you’re not wrong to be hesitant. While the idea is pretty simple, the execution might not be! There are many moving parts when executing an effective Instagram advertising strategy—too many for most small business owners to handle on their own (or even with a limited in-house team). If any of the above sounds like too much to handle, it might be time for you to consider partnering with a digital marketing agency.

Providing professional help can make all the difference in achieving success online. Send us a message today to see how the Pink Shark Marketing team can help you set up successful Instagram Advertising, Facebook Advertising, and even Google Advertising campaigns that will direct your customers to an award-winning, conversion-optimized sales funnel. We also offer services for building a Shopify website, increasing brand awareness online, and more!

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