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Split Screens and the Cutting Edge of Web Design

October 5, 2016

The web design and development site One Xtra Pixel has just posted an article that singles out a particular design trend and shows the reader a multitude of ways in which that trend has been utilized, or could be utilized.


Such articles are certainly useful for the purpose of rethinking your own web design and discussing possibilities with your local web design company. And sometimes, the commentary within those articles can prompt you to consider whether that local web design firm is sufficiently up-to-date with regard to trends that might profoundly affect how the public views your site in the months ahead.


The design trend featured at OXP is fairly simple in its own right: a split screen presentation generally applied to the site’s web page or splash page. And if you scroll through the examples you’ll see a number of interesting observations about the usefulness of this approach, from providing entry into two distinct sections of your site, to highlighting two equally important pieces of information, to dedicating one part of the split screen to social media and encouraging integration of the strategies used by your local web design company and your local social media company.


But what’s perhaps equally interesting is the fact that OXP points out that this trend started to be promoted as the next big thing by design sites in 2015, but it took until very recently to become commonplace. This certainly helps to underscore that some local web design companies are better than others at anticipating major trends, and even at shaping them. Whether that is important to your relationship with a local web design company is something for you to decide.


But if you want your site to appear on the cutting edge, you should talk to representatives of that company and determine whether they have a sense of how to keep your design fresh in the year ahead.

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