From time to time, you might encounter articles around the web that ask which is the more important contractor: your local web design company or your local SEO company. The first of these creates an engaging product for your visitors, so they will stay on the page and come back later. The second directs people to the page in the first place, aligning your site’s traffic with relevant, organic searches.
Although these are two distinct roles, it is really a false distinction if you look at a Los Angeles web design company and a Beverly Hills SEO company and insist that one of them must play a more important role than the other. The reality is that the two roles are mutually supportive, and increasingly you might find that the two companies are the same.
In the landscape of the modern internet, a local web design company should be able to wear many hats, because the success of a given site is fairly likely to depend upon an integrated strategy. Web design should specifically serve SEO goals and relevant analytics; social media should be built into web design; and all of these should be subordinated to web marketing strategies.
There’s a meme you might have seen with variations on the theme, “get yourself a man/woman who can do both.” Well, when it comes to choosing a local web design company, you should really get yourself one that can do it all.