When managing your brand on social media, one trick you ought to know is how to deal with things that skirt the edge of bad publicity. Your local social media company ought to know the difference between a libelous insult that requires a sober response, and a good-natured dig that you can play around with in order to spin a negative into a positive.
As an example of the latter, take Gawker’s recent “ugliest accent tournament,” which asked readers to vote on what the site determined to be the 16 ugliest accents in the United States. The winner of this dubious distinction was Pittsburgh, with 54 percent of the vote.
Here’s hoping that the Pittsburgh tourism board isn’t too offended. A headline like this is a social media opportunity, not a threat. The notoriety is something to play around with, and doing so can only make the city look easy-going and fun. It’s also something that local social media companies are uniquely positioned to respond to, as only locals will be able to really build on the joke.
It’s too bad Beverly Hills social media companies didn’t exist yet in the 80s during the nationwide Valley Girl fad.