NBC News published an interesting report on the comparative status of different industries in terms of customer satisfaction. According to the latest American Customer Satisfaction Index, social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram falls somewhere in the middle of the pack overall, with 74 percent satisfaction, up from last year’s 71.
The article focuses on the credit due to mobile integration for this upward trend. People are more and more capable of having a seamless experience on their smartphones and tablets, and this is improving overall perceptions of the services.
The upward trajectory is important from the perspective of social media managers because it speaks to the even greater importance of integrating these services into client’s marketing strategy and customer relations. The increasing importance of mobile integration also shows that a local social media can reach a larger portion of its client’s consumer base, in a broader set of circumstances than ever before.
With that in mind, business owners of all kinds should be happy to learn that customers are growing more satisfied with social media, because this is an instance of a rising tide lifting all ships. Thanks to your local social media company, a customer’s experience on your company’s Facebook account is part of his overall experience. If he’s happy with Facebook, he’s probably happier with you, especially if your social media engagement is high, and mobile-integrated.
By extension, if your customer is happy with his Facebook experience, you’ll probably be similarly satisfied with your local social media company. But bear in mind, that’s not a foregone conclusion. Since social media satisfaction is still in the middle of the pack, it’s still easy for a local social media company’s mismanagement of your account to seriously degrade customer experience, since not everyone is happy with social media itself.
The effect of customer satisfaction with social media can go in either direction, and a lot depends on the choices you make when you hire a local social media company.