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Digital Marketing for Analog Clients

December 13, 2019

When you think of the client base for a Los Angeles digital marketing firm, you probably just think of a long roster of websites. Some of them might be e-commerce and some might be purely promotional. Some might be local and some might be international. But they all have an established digital presence that just needs to be enhanced and widely advertised.

In fact, even this is a too-limited view of a digital marketing agency’s work. You don’t need to have a preexisting online presence in order to benefit from digital marketing. A campaign of social media outreach, e-mail marketing, and third-party blogging can help to promote any number of client projects that don’t have their own digital footprints.

It might be hard to imagine anything being wholly offline in 2019. But even in Los Angeles there are temporary or closely-guarded ventures for which building and promoting a unique website or social media account is more trouble than it’s worth. In those situations, the trick is to use existing digital marketing infrastructure to reach the appropriate audience.

This strategy might consist of coordinating the social media accounts of different people involved in developing the event, performance, or exhibition that needs promotion. A Los Angeles digital marketing firm should be more than capable of managing multiple accounts across multiple platforms, so they’re guaranteed to convey the same information at the right time, and in the most effective way.

And if, for some reason, native social media accounts aren’t available for use in a temporary promotional campaign, a digital marketing company can nonetheless run a similar strategy through its own accounts, through relevant partners, or if worse comes to worst, through dummy accounts.

Similar rules apply to other tactics for digital marketing. Not having a website doesn’t mean you don’t have an opportunity to reach potential customers via e-mail. And not having your own blog doesn’t mean that there aren’t established voices in the digital sphere who might be willing to promote your venture to their existing audiences.

For what it’s worth, setting up a simple website is pretty easy in 2019. And the less use you plan to get out of that site, the simpler it can be. But if you choose to forgo one anyway, there’s no reason why you can’t still obtain all the benefits of a well-run digital marketing campaign. A good Los Angeles web services provider will be happy to take on that role. You don’t need to worry about them trying to convince you to take your entire business online.

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