A wealth of statistics related to digital marketing recently became available in the form of Mary Meeker’s annual Internet Trends Report. The report conveys interesting data regarding the amount of time Americans spend online, how they use that time, and how digital marketing professionals are reaching them.
Any number of these data points could prove useful to your own digital marketing campaign. They could help you to better understand your target audience, or to just compare your own efforts against those of your competitors. But much of the information you’ll find in this and other such reports should be taken with a grain of salt.
This isn’t to say that the Meeker report necessarily includes questionable data or methodology. But the simplest and most convenient interpretations of that data might not always be correct. To take just one example, the report notes that 28 percent of Americans’ video consumption consists of digital video. And many digital marketing gurus are sure to seize upon this to push more video content across practically all sites.
But an appeal to common sense should reveal that bombarding your users with video is unlikely to be a winning digital marketing strategy unless it’s clear to you that that’s what your users are demanding from sites like yours. The ongoing growth of digital video consumption is obviously focused around dedicated video platforms, which users are seeking out for a specific purpose.
To think of it another way, consider how often you personally have clicked away from a site because it tried to force video content or screen-dominating images on you when you weren’t expecting them? Those sites are a dime a dozen and its’ because far too many digital marketing professionals think blindly following a trend is just as good as investigating it and considering how you can make it work for you.
The internet is largely built on trends, and effective digital marketing relies on keeping up-to-date about them. But behind every growing statistic there is a much larger and more interesting story. Learn it before you embark on a campaign, or tell your local internet marketing company to learn it for you.