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Get Help Navigating the Social Media Minefield

August 27, 2015


Let’s be straightforward about this: social media is a mine field. And in many ways it seems as if it is more of a minefield with every passing day. In the popular media, stories of deliberate success in marketing on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are dwarfed by stories of unintentional catastrophe in those same venues. Blowback against unanticipated slights and mistakes can do demonstrable harm to a company’s public relations or even its bottom line.

Whether the increasingly strong push for social justice and wide-ranging sensitivity is a positive or negative development, the fact remains that it makes the business of social media management more difficult. And this speaks to the crucial need for partnership with a local social media company – one that is already adept at navigating the modern minefield that is primed to explode with the organized indignation of countless consumers.

Such partnerships provide you with the sort of social media management that gives, or should give careful consideration to popular attitudes. This is of importance whether your campaign is national or local. And a Los Angeles social media company ought to have a sense of what topics and terms are sensitive or off-limits for your consumer base both in Los Angeles and across the country.

It may seem risky to give the job of piloting through a minefield to another person or firm, but it’s worth keeping in mind that an off-site, albeit local, social media company also provides you with the crucial protective covering of deniability. If someone in house makes a mistake on social media, the whole firm is likely to suffer the consequences, possibly putting you in the position of having to get rid of an important member of staff.

But if someone from your local social media company makes a mistake, it is much easier for you to minimize the damage to PR while avoiding damage to company hierarchy. You may lose a partnership with your local social media company, but then you may gain one with a company that will be even more careful about avoiding the same explosive mines.

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