Blogging fills several roles for both established and emerging businesses. It provides an opportunity to take control of your marketing strategy by giving your business a voice with consumers. If they find that voice compelling, then blogging is a means of developing followers who may become a source of sales.
Blogging helps you to show consumers and potential business partners that you are an expert in your industry, as you weigh in on current topics that affect sales and company successes. On-site blogging may even open up opportunities to express your expertise as a guest blogger on other sites, thus generating valuable links back to your own.
Blogging is also an increasingly valuable part of a search engine optimization strategy. Just talk to any of the local SEO companies that have survived in recent years. You’ll find that they have all learned to use blogging as a form of creative content that shows the search engines that their client sites are relevant, informative, and up-to-date, in addition to having all the right keywords.
Blogging is an opportunity to get beyond the narrow focus of having the right keywords, and to see that your site has all the right words, full stop. If you or your local social media company keeps your blog regularly updated, you have eliminated any restrictions you might have placed on how you reach out to your target audience.
For a business that’s evolving, an active blog is practically the only way to say everything that needs to be said.