The internet was abuzz this week with reports that Twitter, the popular micro-blogging platform, was considering the possibility of effectively changing its entire identity by allow messages as long as 10,000 characters – an almost unfathomable increase over its current limit of 140.
While 10,000 and the birth of long form on Twitter would completely change the game, it’s worth noting that a slight increase would be beneficial to the average user. For one it would allow for ideas to flow in one package as opposed to the often used “twitter rant”. We think that 280 would be a suitable amount of characters or at least a change to compensate to allow a full 140 while posting a jpeg or gif. The idea has been much derided and is unlikely to be taken seriously over the long-term, but it calls attention to an interesting fact about the internet and social media – a fact that could be relevant to in-depth conversations with your local social media company.
It goes without saying that the internet as a whole is a dynamic and ever-changing place. Despite that fact, it is easy to think of individual platforms and destinations on the web as static, with a generally well-defined purpose, methodology, and audience. But things can change. And even if a redefinition of the meaning of “tweet” seems implausible, a social media company in Beverly Hills or any other adaptive American market must be prepared to roll with the often-unpredictable changes.
Someday, for instance, Facebook may no longer be the king of social media, or Tumblr and Instagram may have come to be populated exclusively by a certain type of niche consumer. When a change like that comes, you ought to be confident that your local social media company’s modus operandi isn’t stuck somewhere in the past, speaking to the wrong people, in the wrong way, through the wrong platforms because they weren’t paying attention when the change occurred.