It is encouraging when a major news outlet conveys the same information that I have tried to emphasize on this blog. I hope it will also encourage you to continue coming back when you want information about the services of a local web design company or provider of other web services.
An article recently appeared at Forbes1 which discussed the concept of “SEO-friendly website design.” It described several practices that a site owner or local web design company might utilize in order to make sure that the overall structure and user interface for your site is a foundation for search engine optimization.
Although the site does not explicitly say it, this clearly supports the notion that it is often counterproductive to employ the separate services of a local web design company and a local SEO company. It is far better to develop a rapport with one contractor that can provide a range of web services, because it is increasingly the case that each of these services build off of one another.
With that in mind, knowledge of SEO, social media, and more should be a factor that you explore when vetting a local web design company. If that company lacks expertise in these areas, your other service providers may end up undoing some of your web designer’s work because it failed to account for SEO best practices.