Typography has a prominent place on the list of subjects about which your local web design company should have clear expertise. I’ve hinted at this topic in previous posts, as when I pointed to the importance of carefully choosing a site’s color palate. But color is only one aspect of font selection, and it’s only one way in which font interacts in potentially effective ways with its background.
When selecting a local web design company or discussing your site’s strategy with it, you may want to examine the diversity of options that its design portfolio demonstrates. And if you’re coming to the project with a wealth of advance research, you might also want to see whether the usage of these different fonts follows recent trends.
To some people, the notion of trends in typography may seem quite foreign. But a local web design company should be able to recognize the ways in which popular tastes change over time, even when the average person isn’t consciously aware of the change. Collective preferences are somewhat arcane, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t be recognized, examined and utilized to drive traffic to a website or to have a more meaningful impact on existing audiences.
Of course, typography is only one of the areas in which these preferences express themselves, and thus only one of the areas in which your local social media company needs to maintain some expertise. But most clients should have little difficulty in assessing that expertise as it relates to font selection. A close reading of a well-designed website will give the impression that its success is not just about what the text is saying, but also how it’s being said.