For any Los Angeles social media company or its clients, the big news of the week is probably Mark Zuckerberg’s announcement that Facebook is undertaking a nine-step process to prevent the future exploitation of the social media platform by entities that wish to interfere in the electoral process.
It remains to be seen whether similar interventions will be undertaken by other platforms like Twitter, which are less notorious for alleged impacts on politics last year, but are nonetheless definite targets for online trolls. It would not be in the least surprising if Zuckerberg’s move was a preface to a more transparent era of social media in general.
The potential consequences of this shift wouldn’t be limited to politics. If it has been doing its work in the right way, a Los Angeles social media company’s practices won’t be affected by the change. But it should go without saying that not every business is ethical, and this is as true of social media companies as it is of any other industry.
If you’re employing the services of a Los Angeles social media company, it is now more important than ever to make sure that your contractors are only using “white hat” procedures in driving traffic to your site, as opposed to manipulating the public for clicks and running a risk of later scandal or blowback.