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How Newfound Transparency Affects a Local Social Media Company

September 7, 2018

Your local social media company may have to readjust its marketing strategies to accommodate the latest changes in how the world’s largest social media platform displays third-party advertising. As part of a continuing effort to right past wrongs and alleviate user concerns regarding deceptive use of targeted advertising, Facebook recently announced that it would bolster transparency for on-site ads. This means that any interested party can click on an advertiser’s page and see all the ads that it is running.

This has implications for most any local social media company, and an overview of the response from professional marketers suggests that some of those implications are good and some are bad. That being the case, a local social media company should be able to adapt to the new social media landscape and thus maintain or even improve upon long-term outcomes. But for those companies as well as their clients, the important point to take away from this development is that it the effect cannot be left up to chance.

The relevant changes are not just superficial. And while not all users will notice or avail themselves of the opportunity to see non-targeted ads, those who do so will have much more information on which to base their purchasing decisions. This means that it is suddenly more important for a local social media company to make its advertising contiguous for any given client. Discrepancies between ads might undermine confidence in the brand or reverse the former benefits of tailored advertising. New strategies should strive to appeal to everyone.

This is not to say that targeted engagement is dead. But in the face of these changes, a local social media company will have to put more emphasis on customer-initiated interactions in order to reach those customers with an individualized message. This may seem complicated and it does signify the need for careful strategic planning. But with such planning as a starting point, your local social media company should be able to make the most of newfound transparency and quickly make up for any loss of competitive advantage that might entail.

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