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Responsive Web Design and Integrated Web Marketing

February 3, 2016

responsive mobile website

If you were paying attention during the last couple of months as web design professionals published their projections about what web design has in store for 2016, you’re probably familiar with topics like “responsive web design.” The need to build web sites that can adjust their display to fit a variety of devices is one of the clear ways in which the rising prevalence of mobile web browsing is changing the game.

If you ever use different devices to access e-commerce websites, this overall trend should be fairly obvious to you. But what may not be obvious is how changing expectations for local web design companies also leads to changing expectations for SEO and social media companies. These web services may be the purview of different contractors, local web design and social media companies may also be one in the same. And responsive web design helps to highlight some of the ways in which its advisable to put those tasks into the same hands.

Different people use the internet differently. And in some cases, different types of web users are more or less likely to visit certain websites – perhaps your site. A local SEO company can help you to understand which demographics are visiting your site on the basis of which devices they’re using to access it. A local social media company can target its efforts to these demographics – and attempt to attract new ones. And a local web design company can make sure that your site is optimized for the full range of devices that are revealed by SEO analytics.

Considering the significant overlap among all of these tasks, it is easy to see how your web marketing strategy can be more efficient and more effective if information is shared quickly and easily among SEO, social media, and web design professionals who are all working under the same roof.


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