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Search Engine Land
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How an SEO Company Can Tap Into Viral Trends

March 1, 2019

The work of an SEO company is never done. It should be clear to most readers that this sort of work involves constant monitoring and revision, to stay ahead of changes in the internet landscape and to make sure that a site’s SEO focus remains in line with brand identity and overall strategy.

But it should be emphasized that a good SEO company can devote its long term attention to more than just the client’s website and its established place on the web. It is often just as important to keep an eye on general trends, both within the relevant industry and in the news at large. In this way, an SEO company can potentially find new mechanisms for building traffic organically.

Internet culture practically runs on viral trends, and with new topics making the rounds through social media and e-mail all the time, there is bound to be occasional overlap with topics that are relevant to any given site. An effective SEO company won’t try to shoe-horn trending topics into blog posts or social media feeds in hopes of artificially generating traffic, because this can actually prove counterproductive. But the best SEO company will keep a keen watch for relevant opportunities.

One writer at Search Engine Land recently provided an interesting example of what this can look like when he structured an SEO advice column around the topic of the KonMari method of household organizing. The article even includes a graph of the search trends for the name of the method’s creator, Marie Kondo, which shows a massive spike at the end of 2018, when her Netflix series was released to great success.

In this way, the article even tips its hand, giving readers of glimpse of the trend that it’s tapping into while actually doing so. There are countless opportunities for any given SEO company to follow suit, provided that it’s staff can write compelling content that it truly relevant to both the client site and the trending topic, then get it in front of the right audience.

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