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John Lincoln
Search Engine Land

The SEO Movie: Only for Screening at an SEO Company?

June 24, 2017

You might be surprised to learn that a forty-minute documentary has recently been released that is entirely focused on the history of SEO. If you’re not part of a Los Angeles SEO company or otherwise acquainted with the industry, you might also be surprised to learn that it is by no means comprehensive. As Matt McGee pointed out at Search Engine Land, the film only focuses on a handful of key events and only interviews a fraction of the industry’s luminaries.

Nevertheless, the movie – which can be viewed online right now – will certainly be of interest to SEO companies and other industry professionals. But will it be of interest to people and companies who are only the clients of a Los Angeles SEO company?

Well, probably not. Tracing the history of this field of web services probably won’t help you to better understand how it functions on today’s internet. But an overview of the film, like the one provided at Search Engine Land, may help you to understand the complexity of the field and the speed with which it evolves. This in turn will help to clarify the importance of properly vetting your local SEO company and quizzing its representatives to be sure that they are up-to-date on the latest developments in their industry.

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