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SEO: Myths and Misunderstanding

May 20, 2015

There are a number of myths surrounding SEO, and these can be harmful to your business if not dispelled by the business owner or his local SEO company. If you want a fuller understanding of what those myths are, a Google search will turn up numerous articles on the topic, or you could just stay tuned to this blog.


For now, it seems sufficient to note that most of those myths are closely linked. They rely on a fundamental misunderstanding of SEO – and depending on how a person interprets that misunderstanding they may conclude that SEO is no longer relevant, doesn’t matter to a company’s web presence, or is a quick and easy way to get cheap results.


None of these is true. SEO is difficult. It depends upon industry expertise and a thorough understanding of the parameters of search engine listing criteria. But when a business partners with a good local SEO company, the results of that difficult work are indispensable to the success of that business on the web.


One quick way to tell if that SEO company is good is if it also doubles as a social media company. Search for Los Angeles SEO companies and Los Angeles social media companies, and consider limiting your options to those that come up in both instances.


Because they have an understanding of both aspects of web marketing, that company’s leaders are probably aware of the modern linkages between those two disciplines. And that means that they’re not stuck in the outmoded or inaccurate thinking about SEO that leads people to believe the persistent and harmful myths about it.

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