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social media

Social Media: E-Commerce, Grocery Shopping, and Everything in Between

September 24, 2015


It is tempting to think of social media marketing as being specifically the purview of companies that primarily do their business online. But this is not really the case. Social media marketing has been demonstrated to have an impact on consumer decision-making out in the real world as well as in e-commerce transactions.

Market research company Packaged Facts highlighted this fact in a recent press release that emphasized the ability of social media to influence customers’ buying habits when it comes to grocery items. This is a category of product that is unlikely to be high on anyone’s list if they were asked to think about the sorts of things that the average consumer would seek out online before buying in store.

Thus, if social media is integrated into the consumer experience of millennials right down to the point of grocery shopping, it is easy to conclude that absolutely any manufacturer, retailer, or service provider is subject to the same trends. Each of them should, therefore, recognize a similar incentive to partner with a local social media company in order to properly shape consumer perceptions and drive consumer engagement.

Even if your company doesn’t rely on web traffic to bring people into your store, social media can be an important contributor to word-of-mouth advertising. Even if you only serve a specific area of California, a Los Angeles social media company can find ways of engaging that specific market via the same social media outlets that are usually associated with national exposure.

The bottom line is that whether you’re considering geographic location, product type, or any other factor, social media has so penetrated the consumer experience that there is no reason for you to assume that social media marketing is irrelevant or unimportant for your company.

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