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For a Los Angeles social media company, day-to-day work may involve not just marketing but also the slightly different and more controversial task of reputation management. Work in that area might entail reacting to the airing of a client’s dirty laundry, or locating and finding that laundry before it is discovered. On the other hand, it might also entail isolating a client from another person or group who could have an adverse impact on his or her image.

There was a remarkably far-reaching example of this latter phenomenon in the news recently. Following the premiere of the HBO documentary Leaving Neverland, it was reported that the creators of The Simpsons had committed to removing from circulation an early episode that featured Michael Jackson as a guest voice. This, of course, goes far beyond the purview of a Los Angeles social media company, involving the adjustment of licenses with streaming companies and the re-issue of physical media. But it illustrates the kind of undertaking that someone with a strong social media presence might encounter when an acquaintance or collaborator is disgraced.

Sensitivity to one’s image is an element of celebrity culture that may seep into the broader clientele for a Los Angeles social media company, and it can create both new challenges and new opportunities. Among people and companies who experience that sort of sensitivity, no one wants to be stuck managing a public relations crisis if it can be avoided. And if they do find themselves in such a crisis, they certainly don’t want to draw more attention to themselves by clumsily scrubbing their social media history.

For both these reasons, it’s worthwhile to retain the services of a Los Angeles social media company that has both the staff and the expertise to anticipate problems before they emerge and downplay those problems when they were unanticipated. If you’ve been on social media for even a couple of years, you likely don’t remember everything that you’ve posted or every person who’s appeared in your mentions. A professional social media audit can aid you in identifying any missteps or associations that might come back to haunt you, and your Los Angeles social media company can then dedicate the necessary manpower to quietly and discretely making sure it never does.

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