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Many people who have been in the limelight for a while have long been aware of the importance of social media, and the advantages of employing a Los Angeles social media company. But in Hollywood and throughout the world, the ongoing growth of the social media management industry can still catch people off-guard.

In a recent conference hosted by the UK’s Telegraph newspaper, former Manchester United soccer star Rio Ferdinand declared that he didn’t think players of his generation would be able to cope with today’s constant social media scrutiny. His professional career began in the mid-90s, and it can roughly be said that the social media phenomenon began then as well. But Ferdinand retired only three years ago, suggesting that he’s seen a dramatic increase in scrutiny just since that time.

Of course, the sorts of people served by a Los Angeles social media company might enjoy careers that are much longer than those of professional athletes. It’s easy to imagine that many of them have had, or will have their own realizations that the level of scrutiny has gone beyond what they can handle on their own.

Ferdinand described today’s players mostly indulging social media obsession on their own time, even checking their phones during half-time of major matches. But there’s little doubt that some of them will open themselves up to controversy one day, or just get tired of constantly monitoring their feed. When that day comes, some will seek out a Los Angeles social media company and recognize that the value of their services will continue to grow as long as the popularity of social media shows no sign of abatement.

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