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The Best Way to Save Time on Social Media

December 28, 2015


This week, a post at Social Barrel offered up a series of measures that online business owners can take to better manage the time that they invest into social media marketing. The tips included establishing an explicit strategy ahead of time, automating a portion of posts to all relevant platforms, and setting strict time limits on personal engagement with those platforms.

While all of this is potentially useful advice, it’s surprising that the article did not make mention of what could be the most important – and also the simplest – move that a business can make to improve social media outcomes while also leaving time for the day-to-day of business operation: hiring a local social media company.

Obviously, a skilled Los Angeles social media company can take some of the strain off of what can easily be an hours-long process of posting, curating, and maintaining engagement. But more than that, it can also make much more efficient use of the time that a business owner is already devoting to online marketing.

If you are going to follow Social Barrel’s advice with respect to setting a strategy, you’d be best served by consulting with a local social media company anyway. Once you’ve worked out what you need to do with various online platforms in order to reach your target audience, you’ll have an opportunity to determine how they might handle the business of posts and engagement.

Chances are good that it will turn out that an experienced Beverly Hills social media company will be in a better position to follow every piece of sound advice that’s out there on the internet. Indeed, if they’ve helped you to develop the best strategy for your social media marketing, you shouldn’t shy away from letting them give you the best implementation of that strategy as well.

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