Some social media companies and web marketing professionals think that the entire concept of SEO is antiquated. In a recent article at the marketing news site Click Z, Andrew Edwards suggests that Google is actively trying to “stamp out” SEO so that the “tips and tricks” of the trade become increasingly unusable.
But Edwards’ claims seem to rely on a needlessly narrow definition of SEO. I understand his confusion. In my experience, some other Los Angeles SEO companies have built their businesses around empty promises and the use of tips and tricks that have no staying power. Those companies will never stay ahead of Google, and they’ll fall victim to the future that Edwards envisions for all SEO.
On the other hand, some older local SEO companies may have started out with that model, but they evolved along with the search engines, quickly realizing that an effective SEO campaign had a lot more to do with effective online marketing than just an outpouring of keywords.
SEO isn’t dying; its definition is changing. And today a good SEO company, in Los Angeles or anywhere else, should also be a social media company staffed by experts in design, marketing, and content development.