Digital marketing tutorials are more and more likely to place strong emphasis on video content. This trend is based on very real demand, and it recognizes the powerful roles that video content can play in any brand strategy. But those roles fall into different categories, and it is good for site owners and their digital marketing teams to carefully consider which type of video content is best for them.
The relevant differences include production styles, average length, and aspect ratio. But even before delving into such details, one needs to start with an idea about the overall intention behind a site’s marketing videos. The content could be purely informational, or it could be designed to develop a sort of brand awareness that is rooted more in sentiment and aesthetic than in facts. Brand-specific videos might also serve to establish a sort of personal connection between the company and its customers, or a sense of authority for the people running that company.
If your digital marketing strategy is going to rely on a serious rapport with your customers, then you should recognize video content as an opportunity to familiarize those customers with your image and voice, or that of a company spokesperson. Depending on the nature of your business, the content of that video might be either dry or light-hearted, but in either case, it should feature straightforward communication with your target audience.
By addressing the camera directly with a minimum of flashy distractions, you can quickly start to display a feeling of trustworthiness. A video-focused digital marketing campaign has the potential to guide customers and clients toward viewing you as a friend and an authority in your field. Of course, as with any other format, the quality of the content is a vital component. So if you don’t do well with improvisation or writing, it’s worthwhile to start with a professionally produced script, even if the final product is as simple as can be.
The need for professional help becomes all the more evident when you decide that your digital marketing campaign would benefit from advanced productions. Possibilities include animated explainers, product demonstrations, tutorials, and full-scale commercial productions. Some of these may even necessitate contributions from a specialized production company. But fortunately, many modern web service providers have the tools and know-how to produce a decent introductory animation, at least.
This is a good thing to keep in mind, because even though the video features of your digital marketing can quickly evolve into something challenging and elaborate, there are definite opportunities to start small. Indeed, that’s exactly what you should do, in order to test the value of a resource-intensive addition to your site. If a basic animation or personal statement seems to pay off in the short term, it’s easy to then scale up.
There is always the possibility that the payoff won’t be what you expect. Video content is great, but some digital marketing experts have frankly oversold it. When your audience demands it and you make it work, it can certainly take your digital marketing to the next level. But when it falls flat, it isn’t an indictment of the site or its owner. The current demand significant, but it is not shared equally across every style of site and every type of business.