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Does Your Web Design Company Know How to Talk to Kids?

July 12, 2019

It’s pretty rare that a web design company is tasked with creating content expressly for children. But even among companies that are used to targeting a core demographic of adult consumers, it’s worthwhile to know how to appeal to users of all ages. If a client’s website is designed to have a very long-term impact, the web design company might want to use a portion of that site to develop interest among the very young, so they’ll return when they can exert grown-up influence.

This may seem almost like a foreign concept in the realm of digital marketing. After all, today’s young adults are really the first people for whom constant access to online information is a lifelong memory. Most people in their 30s or older got accustomed to the internet after childhood. Many of them probably don’t think about how a web design company can influence one’s perspective early in life, because they didn’t experience it first-hand.

But today it’s practically inevitable that people will develop online habits almost as soon as they can read. And some of those habits will surely guide certain young people through the transition from childhood web users to adult consumers. It’s worthwhile for a web design company and its clients to think about this and to discuss whether they should incorporate a child-friendly message in order to influence long-term perceptions of a brand or concept.

There are lots of examples of this in traditional media. As one example, the United Nations recently announced it would be disseminating an advertising campaign using the Angry Birds movie characters, to focus children’s attention on the problem of climate change. Notably, that campaign will also direct to a website that is presumably designed to appeal to the children of today and the activists of the future.

Some forward-thinking web developers have been building these sorts of sites – or kids’ pages within existing sites – for many years. Some of these may be marketed directly to children, while others may invite parents to use the content as a way of sharing interests across generations. But in any case, this sort of content starts life with a web design company that knows how to adjust website elements to the unique psychology of various different groups, including the children who are often overlooked by business owners and other adults.

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