When I originally saw this article at Promotion World, I was amazed by the fact that the author felt the need to ask the title question: “When is internet marketing worthwhile.” So I was relieved when I read on to see that he knew the obvious answer. The concept of internet marketing is always worthwhile, although it’s relatively easy to create specific instances of web marketing that aren’t worthwhile because they simply do not work.
The article made an effort to outline some of the means for avoiding this outcome. But in my view, those points don’t add much of anything to what the average reader should be able to figure out by intuition. The trouble is that there is a difference between knowing what is needed in your internet marketing strategy and knowing how to pull it off. And this is where a local web marketing company comes in.
Such a contractor is much more likely to be able to avoid the obvious web marketing pitfalls than you are. But once you know what kinds of things that could go wrong, it’s important that you avoid taking it for granted that they won’t go wrong under your local web marketing company’s command.
As I’ve said before, there’s little value in articles like the one at Promotion World if you’re reading them in hopes of doing everything yourself, without an intimate knowledge of web marketing tactics. But there is value in those articles if you use them as reminders of the sorts of questions you have to ask your web marketing company in order to make sure, for instance, that your ads are reaching the best possible websites and target audiences.