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email marketing works

In an era when web marketing is largely dominated by emerging social media platforms and strategies, it can be remarkably easy to overlook the older means of reaching out to customers and leads online. But even in an internet landscape that has dramatically changed over more than two decades, classic e-mail advertisements remain an effective part of a comprehensive web marketing strategy.

Your local social media company or local SEO company should be well aware of this fact. It should be able to generate e-mail copy that utilizes the same SEO principles as your Ad Words campaigns, blog posts and site content. And it should be able to leverage e-mail for the sake of the same calls to action that characterize social media outreach.

E-mail may reach a different set of consumers but for many businesses it is a segment of the market that cannot be neglected. Even more important, wherever there is overlap between the targets of your social media and e-mail marketing, the latter is somewhat more likely to reach them directly.

Another factor that most will not consider is the effectiveness in cost. Sure, you will trade off back-and-forth interaction that social media provides but when utilizing an email service you are sure to walk away with useful data. Strategies include sales automation through auto-responders to complex situational patterns and triggers through an advanced CRM. One of the biggest resources entrepreneurs and business owners have is time. In an age where we all wish that there were more hours in a day, anything somewhat automated can be a blessing (given that the tool is used sensibly. We don’t condone completely removing the human aspect of any marketing or business strategy).

This is made all the more evident by the fact that e-mail is neglected by many local social media companies and their marketing campaigns. That represents a crucial missed opportunity. While clicking “like” or “follow” on a company’s social media account requires little investment from the consumer, signing up for e-mail updates tends to represent a higher level of interest and commitment, a willingness to engage directly with the business for longer than it takes to read a 140-character tweet.

That is something that your local social media company should take advantage of whenever possible.

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